The Attention, Memory, and Aging Lab is interested in understanding individual and age differences in attention and memory. Understanding of these processes allows for the identification of effective learning strategies that can promote long-term retention of information for students and older adults. We appreciate your participation in these research endeavors.

Photo of triangular signs with exclamation points
Photo of older woman with string tied around finger


How do we focus our attention amidst distraction? How does our ability to pay attention affect how we encode information into memory? We are interested in the consequences of attentional lapses across various domains.


Why do we forget things? Who is most likely to forget? How do we improve learning? In our lab we study how we remember things from the past and how we remember to do things in the future. 


How do people develop memory and attention skills over time? Are there ways to reduce memory and attention errors with age? Our lab observes populations ranging from young adults to older adults (60+).

Contact Us

(817) 272-9427